Posts Tagged ‘2011’

Happy New Year: Summarizing Rockets & Terror on Israel in 2011

January 1, 2012

The end of December is not just the end of a month, but also the end of year – 12 whole months wrapped together.

The following is a summary of terror acts committed by Palestinians – either independant of part of a militia – against Israel and Israelis in the year 2011. I will also dedicate a post later to the other side of the coin which is the acts of extreme settlers, laundered as ‘Price Tag’, which worsened the past year. It should be noted that the following takes the pot in magnitude, quantity, and effect.

665 Rockets and Mortar Shells From the Gaza Strip in 2011

The numbers really speak for themselves – here’s a year-long count on the rockets and mortar shells fired from the Gaza Strip.

Dozens were injured, 4 [empty] schools and playgrounds were hit, and 2 Israeli citizens died – Yossi Shusan (age 38) on August 20th, and Moshe Ami (age 56) on October 29th.

An anti-missile attack on a school bus (not counted below!) also killed 16 years old Daniel Viflic.

997 Terror incidents on Israeli citizens or soldiers

The following are taken from the statistics of ISA – Israel’s Security Authority, also known as Shabak.

Overall, 107 citizens injured in terror attacks in 2011, and 18 citizens killed (of which one is a not an Israeli citizen but a British citizen) in 2011. In addition, two security forces personnel were killed. 7 of the citizens killed were settlers in the West Bank, and the rest were Israeli citizens within Israel’s territory.

These describe incidents only (for instance, a barrage of 5 rockets fired at Israel is counted as 1 incident) –

The following table summarizes the terror incidents described in the above graph, where:

All incidents refer to the West Bank, from the Gaza Strip or Jerusalem, unless appearing as simply “Terror Attack”.
Rockets refer to both rockets and mortar shells.
Shootings refer to both guns and anti-missile.
Explosives are explosives or improvised such as pipe bomb.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Rockets 12 5 30 45 1 4 17 107 8 40 9 25
Mortar Shells 13 9 17 18 0 1 1 27 1 3 1 5
Shootings 5 2 4 5 3 0 2 2 3 5 0 1
Explosives 2 2 3 0 1 0 2 1 2 4 0 1
Stabbings 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Grenades 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Molotov Cocktails 47 41 72 32 64 40 32 34 54 30 33 48
Stone Throwing 0 0 1 1 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
Terror Attack 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 7 0 0 0 0
Total 83 61 128 101 73 47 53 178 68 80 44 81

Notable Terror attacks in 2011 are:

  • Itamar Attack – 5 memebers of Fogel Family are knived to death including two parents and three children, the youngest being a 3 months old baby. 12 years old daughter returns home to find their bodies.
  • Explosive bomb go off in a bus station in Jerusalem. One British citizen, Mary Jean Gardner, is killed.
  • An explosive pipe goes off in a city worker’s hand two weeks prior to that.
  • An anti-Missile rocket fired from the Gaza Strip at a yellow school bus. 16 year old teenager dies.
  • Israeli-Arab goes on a killing spree on May 15th – the Palestinian Nakba, killing 29 years old Aviv Morag. Six months later the victim’s dad commits suicide.
  • The August 18th terror attack through the Egyptian border in the Sinai Peninsula. Six citizens are killed, as well as two security personnel, one from “friendly fire.” Egyptian soldiers get caught in the cross-fire as well.
  • Palestinian from Nablus (Sche’em) hijacks a taxi and tries to run it in to a teenagers-filled club in Tel-Aviv.
  • Palestinians throw stones at passing vehicles in the West Bank – Asher Palmer is hit and crashes his car, killing both him and his 1 year old son.